Yesterday we decided to find the Readers' Oasis Bookstore, world famous for it's nudist owner...it was maybe 1/2 mile east of our campground... and the owner is most definitely a nudist. Paul Winer is his name and, after some research, we discovered that he was a boogie and blues pianist back on the east coast in the 1970's and 80's...he even has a CD out titled 'Please Remember Your Love For Me'.

He's been in Quartzsite for the past 20 years or so and his bookstore (if you can get past the fact that he's naked save a teensy pouch covering his privates) has an amazing selection of mostly used books at very cheap prices! I found one book I wanted and we're going back soon to get another book I left behind (I wasn't sure if I had a copy sitting on my nightstand) and his CD.
Also in his bookstore is an area in the back called 'Celia's Rainbow Garden'...there's a photo of a little girl named Celia, who was Paul's daughter...she passed away unexpectedly in 1995 from a viral infection, when she was only 8 years old.

Apparently she was quite a caring and smart little girl and touched the heart of her community. There are even 8 acres in the Town park set aside for 'Celia's Rainbow Gardens'. Here's a link to a beautiful tribute written by her mother, Joanne:
After church last night, we headed over to the Quartzsite Yacht Club...another 'must do' that I'd found in my Quartzsite research. It's the only yacht club in the world that's in the middle of a dessert with no body of water as far as the eye can see! There was a live band called Hot Country (country western music) and the place was packed and the dance floor was hoppin'! We even danced a couple of slow dances...and got our picture taken! I'll check their website for our picture and post it if I find it!
Today we went to another local fleamarket and just hung out most of the day. Tomorrow will be the same...maybe check out the Tyson Wells Arts and Crafts show. Wednesday is our trip to Parker for the dunebuggy races for five days...yeah!
More later....'nite all!
All I have to say is he has a VERY even tan, except for the boots....hahaha, only the two of you could find a nudist book store....unbleievable.....
hee..hee..you got to see the little cutie...even left a book there so you could go back for a second look ..ha
I have been enjoying your blog posts of the area...
Great job..
keep bloggin!
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