We had a very pleasant stop in Osburn, ID at the Blue Anchor RV Park. I think we'll be seeing alot of small town America on our way home...and we love it! Osburn consists of 2 main roads with little side streets, and from what we could see, most of the population lives in trailers. The town sits in the middle of the snow capped mountains and it's beautiful!

The RV park owner was very friendly and once we were settled in, we went in search of a church. We found one in the neighboring town of Wallace, but discovered that they didn't have a Saturday night mass. So off we went to Kellogg on the other side of Osburn and found another church, and this one did have a Saturday night mass. It turns out that there's one priest for both of these churches, as well as one other one in the small town of Mullan. That's how small these towns are!

This morning we packed up and headed to Missoula, MT, where we're staying at the Missoula KOA. I know in our last blog we said we were headed for Glacier from Osburn, but after looking at the weather forecast, we decided to stay in Missoula for a few days and do what we wanted to do here and see if it'll warm up in Glacier.

Worst case scenerio, we take the RV as far as possible before we hit snow, and take the car the rest of the way...we're so close that we can't pass it up! The KOA campground is right in the middle of Missoula, which is a metropolis compared to the towns we've seen so far!

One of our first excursions was to find a piece of property...this one's for you, Frank!
Tomorrow we're going to spend our day touring around town and then on Tuesday we're having lunch with a friend of ours that we met in Quartzsite AZ. Hopefully by Wednesday we'll be heading to Glacier!
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